dimanche 29 mai 2016

Racism is everywhere...

and it is vain to think that  if does not, or no longer exists in some places. It may not be violent but then it is more discreet. And to think it does not exist in developped countries is an illusion.
This soft racism is funny some times like the Chinese ad according to me at least.

dimanche 22 mai 2016

Moles from the supermarket but well...

Here are a few pictures from supermarket moles. I guess one has to be a real connoisseur to find out if Abuela (grandma)  los hizo or if it is the supermercado recipe! Price: 65pesos a kg or $3.60

Almond mole and sesame mole

Green mole  and powdered mole in the back

samedi 7 mai 2016

Prehispanic food and today's....

 ...food as well (fillings for tacos and quesadillas) but snacks sometimes. Worm salt is almost compulsory with mezcal...

Restaurnat La Cocinita de San Juan Pugibet specialised in old Mexican gastronomy

vendredi 6 mai 2016

A delicious taco anatomy!

For sure you can translate most of this but in case:
- "carne de dudosa procedencia": doubtful origin meat
- "tierrita de la calle": some earth from the street

Buen provecho! (Bon appétit)

jeudi 5 mai 2016

The basics to visit Mexico : how to eat a taco

The case is that most tacos fillings are juicy except a few ones like rice and hard-boiled egg amd most eggs recipes but they are a minority. Actually a "real" taco must be JUICY, maybe it is part of their spell...So if you are not used to have tacos to it here some help otherwise you will get juice all over.:-(

dimanche 1 mai 2016

A new life in Mexico ?

A new life in Mexico ?

What's the occasion?
None I am a Mexican fucker!

"Les Miserables" : CNN Latin America Best Picture of the week

This picture was taken in La Bombilla, a suburb of Caracas (Venezuela). It received the CNN Latin America best picture of the week award. No humor in this picture, maybe some black humor: so many people had hope if not faith in the country last rulers.